
THE Presentations Japan Series by Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan

THE Presentations Japan Series is powered by with great content from the accumulated wisdom of 100 plus years of Dale Carnegie Training. The show is hosted in Tokyo by Dr. Greg Story, President of Dale Carnegie Training Japan and is for those highly motivated students of presentations, who want to be the best in their business field.
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THE Presentations Japan Series by Dale Carnegie Training Tokyo Japan










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Jun 19, 2023

“Greg is all style and no substance”, my erstwhile colleague happily told everyone who would listen, while I was on stage.  It was an occasion where each Division Head presented to the entire company on what they were doing and where they were taking their part of the firm.  He had preceded me and immediately felt his own inadequacy as a presenter, seeing me work the room.  His preferred option was to attack, to stitch his pathetic, wounded ego back together again.  When his remark was relayed to me later, I just outright laughed.  Not a shy, timid, embarrassed laugh, but a real “that is so pathetic, it is funny” laugh.  He obviously had no clue then and I would guess he still has no clue today wherever he is. Unfortunately, I have run into several versions of him since that time.

In these cases, the speaker is grappling with what they see as a two-dimensional choice between being “content heavy” and using “spurious techniques” to deliver the talk.  I was watching a group of engineers giving their talks to inspire the audience to vote them on to the committee of a prestigious volunteer business organisation.  If I listed up their firms for you, everyone would know them, because these were the representatives in Japan of serious brand name companies.  Initially, I was sold on the brand power. Sitting there, I was expecting some excellent five-minute talks on why they should join the committee.  They were mostly shockers, barely able to string two sentences together and seemed to me incredibly dull candidates for consideration.  Their technical education had not prepared them for this eventuality and it showed.

We also get this phenomenon in our High Impact Presentation Course classes, where the speaker is wedded to their content and just dismisses the importance of the delivery component.  Somehow, in their mind, the incredible quality of their information is all they need to be a successful communicator.  The latest statistics, in-depth findings from recent research, industry white papers, buyer surveys, referencing scientific papers etc., are seen as the Holy Grail for being an effective speaker.

It was hard enough for this concept to survive before, once the internet made the access to information and free information at that, so widely available.  When I was at University, the library stacks housed the limits of possible knowledge and the choices were made simple.  For my son, his educational experience has been different. He has spent his time trying to sort out which bits of the information from the internet firehose are the most relevant, as he drowns in readily available data.

Now ChatGPT and all the other AI driven information sources have made instant information and data more of a commodity than ever before in human history. Yes, some of it is fake news, like that dodgy American lawyer who recently used AI to do his research and it created legal cases and precedents which were completely fictitious. Reflect, though, that we are at the starting point of the AI charge and these systems will only get better.  Why do we need to be impressed by the fact you have data, when we can easily access it ourselves?  Insight based on the data is the value pivot we speakers need to make to elevate our content to make it powerful, relevant and attractive. We still need to deliver it in a way however which completely resonates, engages and persuades our audience.

There is an opposite problem, though. This is the fluffy talk delivered with tremendous verve and vigour.  I saw such a speaker, who was very good with the delivery. At first blush, it seemed impressive as a talk.  When I sat back though and reflected on what he was telling us, it was only then that I realised that his actual content was totally unremarkable. My metaphor is that the value of his content was more like drinking the warm froth on a beer, rather than enjoying the cold body of the refreshing craft ale, on a humid Tokyo summer day. 

So we have to be more than just one dimension.  We need to be both good at talking and good at content.  That changes our perspective about what is our role as the speaker.  When I tested ChatGPT on putting together the outline of a talk on leadership in Japan, it did a workman like job.  It wasn’t remarkable stuff, but if you were someone who wasn’t skilled in this creative activity, it would provide you with a base from which to further refine the content.  Even if it produced something truly brilliant, you still have to get up on your hind quarters and deliver it to the audience.

You can read it to me, of course, but in that event, just send it and I will read it for myself, so I don’t need you hanging around.  Much better would be studying how to be a competent speaker who can bring the content to life.  This is all knowable by the way and there are few mysteries involved.  Hard work in rehearsal with proper coaching will lift 99% of the speaker dross we are assaulted with in business to a much more digestible and impressive level.  Eye contact, voice modulation, gestures, body language, pacing, pauses, emphasising keywords and phrases are some of the key basics which we can and should master.

Getting the content to sing is our goal and we do this with the idea of building our personal and professional brands.  Regardless of what you do, you are affecting your personal and professional brands anyway, when you present, for good or bad and we must never forget that.  Given the choice, we should aim to bolster the quality of the content with an excellent delivery, based on coachable skills.  Make that the goal and you will never go wrong.


Jun 12, 2023

I gave a speech recently to a room full of managers, some foreigners and some Japanese.  It was an internal talk and the purpose was to get the leaders motivated and get their mojo going, after having been hammered by three years of Covid.  They recently passed across the feedback and it was quite confusing.  Some said, “love the passion, dynamism” etc., and some said, “too loud, too strong”, etc.  What do you make of this?  What I made of it was, judging by the faces when I was presenting, the vast majority of people were accepting of the energised style. For a small minority, it was too powerful. Okay, so what are we supposed to do with this feedback?

There are four purposes for our presentations.  In business, the Inform style is the most common one, where we provide extensive information about project updates, results, introducing new policies, and explaining overall strategic direction.  There are the Impress presentations. where we are selling our organisations’ capabilities and credibility.  We are trying to boost the brand of the firm and to encourage buyers to select us a trusted partner.  Entertain speeches are often given before the festivities or as a classic after-dinner speech to put everyone in a positive and happy mood. Then there are the Motivate talks, where we want the audience to take some action.  We have a powerful belief in what we are suggesting. Say we had the cure for cancer, through a particular regime, we would broadcast this far and wide and with a missionary zeal to convert people to the path we say is the right one.

The speech I was giving was in the Motivate category.  They had suffered a downturn in motivation and zeal and my job was to restore that commitment to the cause.  Naturally, this type of talk is going to feature a lot of energy, passion, commitment, belief.  My audience was a mixed group from all different divisions within the organisation, so there was a big spread of personality types.  The Amiable personality type is rather muted, reserved, self-contained.  I would guess the “too strong” comments came from people in this group.   

Should I have toned it down to suit this group?  I don’t think so. My mission was to motivate and to inspire, so energy and passion were needed for that purpose.  Clearly, some people didn’t respond to that. As speakers we have to try and seek the acceptance of the majority, rather than the minority.  You quickly realize that it's impossible to please everyone and be everything to everyone.  Do I want to spend my valuable time giving talks to Milquetoast audiences or do I want to talk to people who want to fired up? Clearly, with my personality, the latter is the correct answer.

So how dramatic can we be as a speaker?  I certainly added dramatic flourishes to my talk with varied voice modulation and big and powerful gestures. I used my facial expression to drive home points, used movement, where needed, to underline a key point.  Was it too much?  Clearly for some it was, but did I get my message across? Did I break through the clutter occupying the minds of my audience? Did I stir passion in those who wanted to be fired up again?  Yes, I did and if I was to give that talk again, I wouldn’t change anything about how I delivered it.

 When we speak, why would we give equal emphasis to every word in a sentence?  Each word has a different value and the way we deliver the talk should correspond to that unique value.  If there are keywords in that last sentence of mine, I should hit them harder or much softer than the other words, to highlight them, making them standout, elevating them above the others.  For example, I could highlight key words and phrases like this: Each word has a different value and the - way - we - deliver the talk should correspond to that different value.  When I use these phrases “Each word”, “the way we deliver” and “different value”, I need to highlight them by using speed and strength - either slowing down or speeding up, going hard or going soft.

When delivering the sentence, I can add more dynamism to the phrases with gestures and body language.  The combination of the word delivery, the appropriate gesture and the overall body language come together for a very dramatic combination of emphasis supporting the message, which will break through and grab the attention of the listeners.

What we want to avoid is sameness – all strong or all soft.  Either is guaranteed to have audiences leaping to grab their phones to elude us and succumb to the magnetic force field of the internet. We want them to get our message, so we need to mix it up and keep them with us.  I often use the example of classical music – it has tremendous variance and that is why we keep listening.  Our talks should have ebbs and flows, crescendos and lulls.

There are plenty of people delivering “Johnny One Note” boring, grey, uninspiring talks, so we don’t need more of those.  Try to seek micro areas where you can bring a bit of pizzazz and flair to the talk.  Not constant across the whole talk so it becomes tiring, but add flashes of drama and sprinkle these into the speech, to keep your audience with you.  Trust me - it is a lot more fun when you do it this way.


Jun 5, 2023

TikTok, Reels and all of the other super short form visual media are creating a nightmare for presenters.  Twitter started things off with the very limited number of words allowed per tweet, forcing people into tiny corners of the mind.  The trend toward short form rather than long form has meant that audiences are getting trained to absorb information in tiny little blocks.   

What happens though when we have a forty-minute presentation?  The audience become restless and their minds start to wander, because they are not getting mini-hits every minute.  The ubiquitous mobile phone with that drug like mainliner effect straight to the internet enables them to escape from us immediately.  They leave us for the lure and charm of something more interesting to pay attention to.

Is this going to get better?  “No” is the answer, so what can we do about it?  One thing I notice when teaching our High Impact Presentations Course is that presenters make things more difficult for themselves by offering up additional distractions to the audience.  There are a range of these, so let’s go through some of them.

1.     A soft voice

Speaking to a colleague or a friend up close and personal doesn’t require a lot of voice projection, so we tend not to raise our voice when speaking in these situations.  Presenting though is a different occasion. It requires us to engage our audience to keep their attention.  Adding volume to our voice sends out a strong vibration which commands attention to what we are saying.  We sound more confident and credible to the listener.  Coaching class participants to up the ante on voice projection often bothers them, because they feel they are screaming at their audience.  When we play back their video of their presentation they realise it isn’t too loud and in fact they see they are coming across as capable and competent.

2.     Pointless gestures

Any gesture maintained for longer than 15 seconds immediately becomes irrelevant and annoying to the audience.  This is a simple enough guideline, but we sometimes find the class participants may be using one hand to gesture, but they have completely forgotten about the other hand. They have parked it somewhere across their body, adding zero value to the proceedings.  We want our gestures to help us highlight words and ideas, such that they rise above the noise and register with the listener in support of our message.  If the hand is floating around somewhere and not being used, just “turn it off” and let it hang by your side, out of trouble. 

3.      Wooden faces

Professor Albert Mehrabian’s research has helped us to understand the importance of congruency when we speak.  His central thesis is that what we are saying has to match up with the way we are saying it.  For example, how many times have you seen the speaker maintain the one facial expression throughout their talk?  In that talk though there were probably areas of good and bad news.  Good results, disappointing results, opportunities, challenges are all being reported, yet their face doesn’t reflect any of that. Congruency would mean a smile or a happy face for good results and opportunities and a serious face for bad results and challenges.  Mehrabian found that when we are not congruent, the audience gets distracted by how we look and sound and they are only hearing the message 7% of the time.  That means 93% of the time what we are saying is not connecting.  That type of poor result should definitely warrant a “serious” face.

4.     Twitching and swaying around

When the body starts swaying around, we are setting up visual competition for our message.  The knees and hips are circling around as if to some soul music groove. Our eyes are drawn to the movement and we tune out the message from the presenter.

In addition, many participants will wander around on stage moving forward and then moving back to the same spot.  What was the point of the movement?  Actually it had no point and all they are doing is distracting us from their message. 

Sometimes the speaker will adjust their feet to face one side of the room and then do a little soft shoe shuffle, to move around and face the other direction.  All of this is competing with the words coming out of their mouth.  We have this wonderful thing called the neck and it can rotate enough degrees to allow us to plant our feet in one spot and yet be able to look at the audience members to our extreme left and right sides with no difficulty whatsoever.

5.     Rambling and using filler words

Puzzling audiences with the point of what you are saying is guaranteed to lose them in a split second.  I was listening to a podcast the other day and the guest was rambling away and for the life of me I couldn’t get the point of the message and I lost interest immediately.  Ums and Ahs and other filler words are another turn off as the speaker struggles to string two words together.  We abandon ship and desert the messenger.

The presenter’s job is only going to become more fraught and we need to lift our game as communicators, if we are going to have any hope of getting our message through. Let’s purge ourselves of these distracting habits we have accumulated and clean up our act.  The good news is all of the other presenters out there will change nothing and we will look like rock stars by comparison.


May 29, 2023

The vast majority of the time in our company we are teaching presentation training to groups of fourteen.  We have two instructors and we video everything.  We provide an enormous amount of one-on-one coaching during the training and the results are spectacular.  All good.  From time to time, we provide one-on-one coaching to company Presidents.  Usually, they have a special talk coming up and they need to really nail it. 

Being able to customise the training exclusively for them is a joy for the instructors, because we can go so much deeper.  Having more time with them makes an enormous difference.  The power of repetition comes into play and that completely changes their results.  Doing their talk once is the usual experience for most businesspeople.  Most don’t rehearse.  Well that isn’t quite true – sadly, they rehearse on their live audience.  Not the greatest idea in the world and to top it off, they only ever deliver that talk once.  This ensures there is no real growth associated with the activity. 

When we do one-on-one coaching, we help with the design of the talk and the crafting of the delivery.  This is where the expertise of the trainer really comes into play.  If the trainer is also an experienced public speaker, that is even more ideal.  Getting the design right for the occasion is critical.  As trainers and public speakers, we have a broad range of ideas to draw upon to help with the design phase. Most businesspeople don’t get that much practice to design their talks in a year, so they are always struggling to create the excellence the talk deserves.  As trainers, we have heard thousands of talks and have found areas where we can coach and transform them into something special.  Being able to see possibilities the client cannot see ensures we can add real value.  Also, because we are outside of the system, we can challenge what is being offered.  A subordinate will probably conclude they should not make any waves around the boss, but we are presentation professionals and we can offer our insights and perspectives freely.

The individual time with the speaker is simply gold.  We can have extended hours running continuously and really work on every aspect of the talk, from the design right through to the delivery.  Getting the visuals right is always a big point of improvement in the added sophistication of the presentation.  Most senior executives in my experience still get this wrong.  The most common issue is too much confusion on the screen. There are too many competing pieces of visual stimulation distracting the audience.  Being able to clean up the visuals on the spot is so valuable because the speaker can see the difference immediately and it makes their job of presenting the information much easier.

Sometimes the logic of the flow can be improved to make the points clearer and more compelling.  The author of the design can sometimes be too close to their material and everything makes sense to them, but to the uninitiated, it can lead to gaps in understanding which make the content hard to absorb.  Having that unbiased coach there to challenge the presenter’s assumptions is an excellent opportunity to catch any problems before the audience hears the talk.  There is often the problem of too much information for the time to present it and it is very hard to eliminate slides you have fallen in love with.  The coach has no such restrictions and can help to slim it down to fit the time slot. Often the President’s’ speech is created for them by their staff.  This can often lead to some pretty ordinary content being created, because the staff are not presentation experts.  The coach can weigh in at this point and work on improving the content coverage to further increase the professionalism of the presentation.

The delivery piece is where the real magic occurs. There is so much power in doing the same presentation over and over and over again, polishing every small aspect of the talk to make it perfect or as close to perfect as possible.  This is where you need time, because if it is forty-minute speech for example, doing a few repetitions really burns through the clock very quickly.  The ability to recast a part of the speech and then elevate the next rendition makes the progress tangible and permanent. Usually the engagement of the audience part is neglected because the speaker is concentrating on the content rather than the delivery.  This is a big mistake which the coach can work on getting the balance right.  The audience won’t remember the details on the slides, but they will remember the presenter and how they felt during their presentation.

It is what we say and how we say it that is key.  Small changes in cadence, word emphasis, pauses, gestures, posture and facial expression can have a dynamic impact on the way the audience receives the talk.  Voice modulation is how we keep the audience with us and how we don’t allow them to escape through distraction.  The repetition component is what we need to make this complex construct really work for the speaker.

If you ever have an important talk to give, don’t try to work it out by yourself – get a professional to work with you.  Never forget, every time we speak in public, we are putting our personal and professional brands out on display.  This is not something we can afford to get wrong, nor an opportunity to squander the chance to build both of those brands.


May 22, 2023

Most foreigner delivered presentations in Japan will be delivered in English and have a mixed audience of both Japanese and non-Japanese.  There is the tendency to imagine, because it is in English, that any necessary Japanese cultural components can be over-looked. The presumption is the presentation can be delivered, just as it would be, for a foreigner only audience.  Why would we imagine that?  The Japanese audience members may speak English in their firms, but often the language capability will vary and very, very few will be operating at native speaker levels.  If we are not clued in, we could lose a sizeable chunk of our audience. 

The speed of delivery is usually the first barrier we erect, to keep our Japanese speaking audience from getting our message.  We are speaking in English, so we assume we can speak as we normally would, without ever considering the needs of our audience.  It is extremely rare in my experience to listen to a presenter who is speaking too slowly.  In fact, I cannot recall anyone having that issue.  The opposite, though, is the norm and unfortunately, I am guilty of this too.  I get passionate about my subject and I start really leaning into it. Invariably I speed up.  The cure for this is to keep in mind that too fast a speed will lose a lot of the audience and that I need to keep a slower pace than normal.  Also, by using pauses, I can regulate the delivery in a way which will stop the speed from revving up.

Idioms are the nemesis of international understanding.  I grew up in Australia, so we were bombarded with American and English television programming.  In this way, we learned the dual languages and the idioms associated with them.  One of the tricky problems I have is to deduce which idioms are international and which are purely of Australian invention.  There is a surprising amount I found.  I know this because the non-Australians I am speaking to go blank when I let loose with one of these little Aussie specials and I realise my message is not getting through.  As a presenter in Japan, it is better to delete idioms entirely and find alternative methods of expressing the same idea.

Sporting references are the other barrier to communication.  Australia is a very sporty nation, so we have tons of these too.  Americans have their own favourites and many times I have to ask what they mean and I am a native speaker, so imagine how quickly you lose your audience of Japanese guests.  It is better to just cut these out of the presentation delivery entirely and look for more easily accessible expressions to convey the point we want to make.

In Japan, in normal polite society, we know that looking someone straight in the eye isn’t done and we have to look at their forehead, or throat or chin instead.  What about eye contact with our Japanese members in the audience – should we just ignore them to make certain they don’t feel too uncomfortable?  There is eye contact and there is eye contact.  Anything under 5 seconds is too short to make a connection and anything over six seconds is too intrusive. We can still engage our Japanese members in the audience with eye contact if we keep it within these bounds.  When we look at audience members, we are creating a one-on-one personal connection which is very strong.  We are saying, “You are the only person in this room and I am talking directly with you”.  Japanese guests are not used to this, so when it happens, the impact is enormous and they really gravitate to us.

Here is a hint – don’t worry about the expression on their faces.  Sometimes it can look like they are rejecting what we are saying, but in fact they are just concentrating hard on the content to catch it. What we see is their serious face, not their angry face, but it's hard to divine which is which for foreigners.  I had my breakthrough moment on Japanese physiognomy in Kobe, when I was speaking in Japanese to a hundred salespeople about Australian education.  Midway down on the left he was sitting there throughout my hour-long presentation, with the angriest look on his face, as if he was not buying one thing I said. 

When I finished, he leapt out of his chair and hurried down the center aisle to where I was standing.  I honestly thought he was going to punch me in the face and was getting ready to defend myself.  To my astonishment, he started double pumping my hand and telling me in Japanese what a terrific talk that was and how much he learnt about Australia.  Assume the Japanese guest is concentrating on what you are saying and don’t be put off what may appear to be a hostile reception to your message.

Don’t worry if Japanese don’t ask questions at the end.  Often, nobody wants to be the first in anything, so they are waiting for someone else to go first.  Also, there is a complex calculation going on in their minds about how they will be perceived by this question.  Is it a veiled insult to the speaker, implying that they were not clear enough in their talk?  Will others think they are stupid for asking this basic question?  Shouldn’t they defer to others who are maybe older or more senior or with women, defer to men to ask the questions.  If there are foreigners in the room, there is usually no shortage of people wanting to ask questions, but we should specifically encourage the Japanese to speak up.

We can say, “In my culture, asking questions is never seen negatively, it just shows an interest in the topic. I know Japan is different, but let me encourage our Japanese guests to ask questions they may have.  If you would like to ask me questions after the talk, I will be here for about fifteen minutes and would welcome questions you may have”.  This shows a great deal of sensitivity to those Japanese in the audience and they will feel much closer to you as the speaker.






May 15, 2023

There were three experts on the panel for this luncheon event.  One man and two women.  They were using microphones but that didn’t help in one case.  A very well presented, professional woman was adding her insights and point of view on the topic, but I couldn’t catch what she was saying.  My table was situated right in front of her but to no avail.  The man had a strong voice, as did the other woman expert and I had no problem gathering in their contributions. This other panellist however was beyond my ken.

I was wondering about why this was the case.  There were a couple of problems and one was microphone technique she was using.  Most of us don’t use a microphone very often so we are not always au fait with the tech.  Definitely her technique wasn’t working.  Waving the microphone around while speaking defeats the purpose and the audio engineering.  If she had held it a little higher, in the one spot and spoken across the mesh of the microphone, then we probably would have had a better chance of hearing what she was saying.  Here is a hint – don’t wave the microphone around folks!

The other issue is she had a rather soft voice to start with.  Many people have this attribute, which can be quite charming in a one-on-one situation, but generally doesn’t work all that well in a formal speaking situation.  It is often the case with women speakers also I have noticed, but men too can be speaking up, but their voices are not carrying.  I see it as a mindset shift which hasn’t taken place for the speaker, in order to be effective as a presenter.  When we are sitting with someone, one on one, we don’t need to project our voice.  They can hear us just fine.  Having said that, I have noticed many Americans can be quite loud in these same situations, so the whole conversation is audible, if you are sitting close by.  Being an Aussie, I guess that is a cultural aspect and probably Americans are not the only ones who do this, but I have noticed this aspect of their behaviour.  I would see that as a plus though because it means they are better equipped to go from a one-on-one situations to speaking to a crowd and adjusting their volume accordingly.

If we are not used to using microphones and we are softly spoken, then we need to make some adjustments when we are presenting.  Using the equipment, as it is designed, is a must.  Speaking more loudly is also called for, but this is very difficult for softly spoken people to them, it sounds like they are screaming.  I notice this in pour presentations training.  I am asking some of the participants in the class to raise their volume and they adjust it only microscopically.  They cannot imagine speaking more loudly and so they restrain themselves.  In these cases, I turn to the rest of the class and I ask them if they think the speaker is screaming or speaking too loudly.  They, of course, say no and I need to keep encouraging the presenter to go bigger with their voice range. 

Why do they need to speak more loudly?  Being a presenter is different to chatting with your mate or girlfriend over coffee.  You are there to be taken seriously, your personal and professional brands are on display.  We will make a judgement not only about you, but we will extend it to your whole organisation.  If you are a dud, we think everyone down at your shop is a dud.  If you are brilliant, we think the whole crew are brilliant.  By bringing enough volume to the presentation, you lift your credibility, because it comes across as more confident and considered.  Obviously, you also increase the odds of the audience actually hearing what you are saying as well.

We video the participants presentation and we have a separate coach in the review room analyse it and then coach them.  When we play the video back, they can hear the first coach in the main room asking them to increase the volume.  We ask them in the review room, “does that seem too loud or too crazy?”.  They always answer “no” and they start to realise that they can get out of their comfort zone and improve their presentations, as a consequence of making a few small changes in volume delivered to the audience.

It is always a good practice to get to the venue early and practice with the microphone to work out the right distance and elevation from your mouth, in order to make sure you are going to be heard and appreciated.  Getting it right doesn’t take long and will make a big difference in how you come across.  When you are tool loud the equipment tells you straight away with the static you produce but being too soft has no warning signal.

In general, we buy confidence and presenters who speak with a strong voice come across as confident.  If you don’t have a strong voice, at least try to speak louder than normal and if possible, always request a microphone to allow the tech to help you be understood by your audience.

May 8, 2023

When I exchange business cards in Japan, I select from the one designed for a Western audience and another for a Japanese audience.  Often, I will hand one over to a foreigner and then a different one to the Japanese person accompanying them.  This will draw a remark, “Oh, the back of the cards are quite different”.  I like to ask the Japanese person what do they think is the difference when they compare the two?  Some see it and for others I have to explain to them that the English one has the five core course we teach for the English version and the Japanese version has ten things we teach.  The reason being that Japanese are data vampires and they cannot get enough information.  For a Western audience, five things are about the maximum complexity they want to handle.  Actually three is probably better for them, but I push it a bit.  When I make this point about the data preference for Japanese, they respond with a nervous little laugh which says the “jig is up” and underlines the truth about presenting to Western and Japanese audiences.

This throws up a dilemma when presenting in Japan.  Who do we prepare the presentation for – ourselves as Westerners, who like simplicity, clarity, brevity or the massively data hungry Japanese audience?  The danger part in Japan is that when they prepare their presentations, they suit themselves and go all out for massive troves of data.  Just to really accentuate the cultural differences, they decide the smartest thing is to put as much data on each slide as physically possible.  To make it even more exciting, they leaven things up a bit with six colours and five different fonts.  It is a total mess. 

When we present we always have to begin with two thoughts – who is my audience and what is my main message for them.  If we have a Japanese only audience, then that is easy – we can go bananas on the amount of data we offer.  If it is a Western audience, we can be very zen like and chilled.  If it is a mixed audience that is a bit more complex.  What should we do? 

Whether it is a Japanese or Western audience, we should absolutely not make the mistake of going crazy and putting up too much information on the one slide.  The Golden Rule is one idea per slide and the clearer the access to the key information the better.  Slides cost nothing to make, so we can split information across five different slides, rather than the typical Japanese approach, of cramming all of the same information on to one slide.

For a Japanese audience, we need more data than we may think is necessary.  They want the references also to where the data came from, so we cannot miss that point, as it is critical for the credibility of what we present. Often audience members will check on what we say on screen and do it in real time.

I make a joke that data hungry people of any persuasion are comfortable and happy with three decimal places for numbers.  That would include many Japanese in the audience.  The usual Japanese approach though is to put the whole spreadsheet up on screen, even when there is a very small possibility that anyone seated in the room can actually see the numbers in the cells because they are so tiny.  We can put the spreadsheet up on screen, like screen wallpaper, to give the presentation some credibility.  We should then use animation and create a pop up cloud with a key number in it, which is overlayed on top of the spreadsheet.  Usually in a spreadsheet, there will only be a few numbers we want to highlight, so we select those out and place them in the animated pop up cloud, in large font, making it easy to see.  We can then talk to the numbers and make our point. 

One of the best ways to satisfy a Japanese data hungry audience is to take a two step approach.  Either have some additional physical materials prepared for distribution after the event or give them a URL, where they can access the data.  This makes the audience very happy to get the information. Never distribute the data before your talk though. If you do that, everyone will be focused on the data and not on you the speaker.  Hold it until the end and then make it available, so there is no competition with your message delivery.

One of the issues with data in Japan is that most official statistics are out of date by the time they are made available.  Usually they are three years old, so that is a big disadvantage when giving presentations, because as we all know a three year Covid period has completely turned everything upside down.  The only compensating factor is everyone suffers from the same fate with official figures.  The better approach is to look for recent industry sector surveys or more current private sector information releases, by research institutes etc.  It is very credibility sapping to see the speaker pop up data which is clearly out of date and expect us to believe what they are saying.  It happens all the time here, but let’s not be part of that crowd.

When presenting in Japan, always remember you cannot satisfy the need for more and more data, but you can present it in a way which maintains your professionalism and allows your key messages to break through all the clutter.





May 1, 2023

I was reading a post on LinkedIn by an American lady, who spilt coffee over her blouse, just moments before she was due to give a key presentation to a group of executives.  That got me thinking about how to handle these types of disasters which arise when we are presenting.  Most of them are tech related – nothing works, it partially works or it suddenly stops working.  Some disasters are down to the ambush presentations, for when we had no idea we would have to speak and suddenly we have to say a few words.  Some are things like black coffee over your nicely pressed white blouse or business shirt and it is totally obvious to everyone.

The key to avoiding ninety percent of disasters is to get to the venue early and check the tech.  If you get there early enough, there is a strong chance the tech geniuses on hand will be found and be able to fix it for you.  Often, with early morning presentations, the tech wizards are not in the building and so there is no solution – you are solo!  This is why it is always a good idea to print out your slides, as these are visible to you and form a navigation for you through the talk.  If you don’t have access to the copy of the slides, then just sit down and write down the main key words for each chapter for the talk.

I was attending a Harvard Business School week long course on Leading Professional Service Firms and one of the professors gave a three hour long lecture with no notes.  Well that is what it appeared to be, but the Prof was crafty.  It was one of those lecture theatres with tiered seating from top leading down to the bottom, where the stage was located.  As we were filing up the stairs out of the lecture theater, to go outside, I happened to notice a large piece of paper stuck to the back wall, with ten words on it.  Those ten words were his lecture notes and only he could see them.  It gave him the order and he just filled in the blanks with his talk.

We usually only get a chance to give our talk once and unlike the good Prof, we are not giving this talk every semester, so we don’t know the content cold.  It doesn't matter. Write down the key points you want to talk to and then use the list as your guide when giving the talk.  No one is going to jump to their feet and denounce you are a scoundrel and fraud because you are glancing down at your list.  They are in fact relieved that you are not reading the whole text to them and are only finding your place, as you proceed with the talk. 

Another thing is laziness.  I am inherently lazy and this particular talk was a packed lunch and a passport away in distance terms, so lugging my laptop that far seemed like a chore to avoid.  In a genius moment I thought, “I know, I will just take the USB and plug it into the host’s computer”.  I was an idiot.  What I didn’t consider was I use a Mac and they were using a different system and immediately the slide layout was thrown into chaos.  Fortunately, I do what I advise and I got there early, so I had time to reformat the whole slide deck.  I was sweating I can tell you and I got it done with fifteen seconds to spare! 

Rather than being ambushed, I suggest that you never let that occur because you are always prepared to speak at any event, with either a question or a comment.  We take anticipatory steps to protect ourselves. While you are sitting there, think what is a question you would like to ask and have that ready for the Q&A or in case some smarty pants MC decides to include you in the proceedings, without a by your leave.

If we have a personal presentation disaster such as the coffee incident, what do we do? This lady was vigorously trying to scrub the stain away, but it wasn’t working, so she had to present coffee stains and all.  I wouldn’t recommend just carrying on, as if everything was normal. I would acknowledge what has happened and then carry on.  Call it out and get it out of the way at the start.  I would say, “My apologies for adding a coffee stain to today’s proceedings, but let’s get going regardless”. 

If my brain wasn’t totally fried with nerves, shame and embarrassment, I might attempt some self-depreciating humour and say, “Today’s coffee stain on my shirt is sponsored by Blue Mountain from Kenya, it tastes great and wears exceptionally well.  Now, let’s get into today’s topic”. 

Humour is difficult at the best of times and being able to funny, when you have just spilt coffee all over yourself before a major audience is a big ask.  If you can pull it off, make yourself the target of the humor, rather than someone else.  Don’t say things like, “I would like to give a big shout out to the waiter for spilling coffee all over me just before I was ready to go on today”.  Take responsibility for your appearance, deal with it, then ignore it and carry on with aplomb.

In the end, no one cares.  Sure, you provided some light relief to their day, but they are all more focused on themselves, than on the fact you have coffee all over you.  Do a professional job and focus on engaging the audience with your key messages and your personal and professional brands will be safeguarded.

Apr 25, 2023

Presenting online is difficult.  Presenting in person is difficult. The new hybrid version is a combination of the worst of both online and in-person worlds for the presenter.  We teach presentation skills and one of the big breakthroughs for our class participants is the ability to get engagement with their audience.  In the online world of presenting this is almost impossible.  You become this tiny talking head, trapped in a tiny box on screen, every time you are using slides.  If there are no slides it gets better.  It also gets better if you stop the sharing function as you get a little more screen real estate. The trouble is this feature is clunky every time you want to go back to using the slides again and the interchanges are not very elegant. If you can have the speaker view only function working, then you get a lot of screen ratio focused on the speaker and that is good.  Usually though, we are using slides and so it is back to the tiny box for all of us on-screen.

The real dilemma with hybrid is where some members of the audience are sitting there right in front of you and the rest are scattered to the four winds, coming in via the hosting platform, be that Zoom or Teams or Webex or whatever.  There are issues with the camera angles, the camera zoom-in function and especially with the audio quality.  If the camera is mounted at the back of the room, then the audience on-line gets a wide shot of those in the room, as well as the speaker up at the front of the room. In this case, we are very remote from the people watching from home. This insignificance factor is intensified by the fact we are highly diminished on screen, stuck in that tiny little box and being presented at a distance to our audience.  Our facial expression power is greatly reduced and even our gestures are not having much impact, because they seem so small when on screen. 

I was giving a talk recently using the hybrid system and I realised this particular set up was for people who don't know how to present and actually favoured those who like to lecture.  By that I mean the speaker is there to convey information and isn’t thinking how to engage the audience.  The camera was mounted on a screen to my right, up high.  There was a distance between that camera and my face and if I moved toward my audience in the room, I found I was tracking away from the camera set up for those at home.  Don’t forget, for those viewing from home, I was doing all this while trapped in that tiny box on screen, because I was using slides.   

The set up meant I couldn’t move much from the spot and that spot was set behind a podium.  Now I don’t recommend moving around too much when speaking because it can be distracting from the message. However, being able to use your full body language is a powerful tool we don’t want to negate if we can avoid it and getting out from behind the podium is preferred.  In this case that wasn’t possible, so the audience in the room wasn’t getting full access to me as the speaker.

The easy out is to ignore the needs of the audience coming in online and just present to those in the room. For those at home the video presentation is like that for a third party. They are there watching remotely and there is zero connection and engagement with the person on screen.  If we go the other way, then we just engage those at home and don’t worry about those in the room.  That isn’t a very natural or an easy thing for a speaker to do, when all of these faces are sitting there and staring up at you in the room.

We have to accept that so far, we cannot easily get this to work perfectly when using two competing mediums.  Having said that, we can try and improve on it being a disaster by a couple of tweaks.  If the camera is close to us, then regularly switching our attention from those in the room, to those at home is possible.  We just look straight into the camera and we can speak directly to this segment of the audience.  We can make our point to this audience and then switch back to those in the room and make our next point.  The key is to look at the camera and not the screen.  We just treat the on-line camera as another member of the in-room audience.

Eye height is ideal for the camera mounting, so adjust it if you can, to get that perspective.  Make sure the audio quality is well served by having a good microphone set up, so that people online can hear you.  If the in-room audience is under 30 people, then you can get away with not needing a separate microphone for them. 

The better solution requires some preparation.  Have a monitor at the back so the speaker can see the remote audience and also themselves, with everyone equally trapped in their little boxes on-line.  The slide deck is also being shown through Zoom etc., so that the remote audience can see what is going on, while the live audience has a screen in the room they can see. Have the speaker fitted with a pin mic, so that they can move and not be trapped behind a podium or a desk. 


Have three video cameras set up.  One zoomed in on the speaker for a tight shot and one for a wider, more full body shot.  Have another set up at the front of the room to capture the shot of the audience. This requires a connection to a control box, where the camera angles can be switched easily by a controller.  The speaker now only has to engage the live audience. The camera angles are set up from the in-room audience perspective so that those at home get the same sense of the presentation as those present.  They are getting the video of the speech live and all the speaker has to do is engage by looking straight at the cameras while giving the speech, to help the remote audience feel included.  We spend six seconds each time looking at our live audience members and we just do the same with the two cameras facing us, as if they were also audience members.


The setup I had for my recent talk was not satisfactory and I felt both the remote and in-person audiences had been cheated.  I also felt my personal brand had been tarnished by this less than satisfactory experience.  When we are invited to speak we have little control over how the hosts arrange the venue and the equipment.  One of my take aways for next time was to engage the hosts more in depth on how they are going to handle this hybrid medium presentation.  If they are not going to do it in a way which builds, or at least maintains, my professional brand, then I would decline the offer to speak.  I might offer to give two talks - one for those in the room and do a separate one for those at home.  That isn’t always possible, but as the speaker, tasting the bitter ash residue of a failed, half-baked presentation isn’t great either.

Apr 17, 2023

Major money has been spent for decades by the Japanese Government, to improve the level of English in Japan and you would have to say with fairly limited success.  Japan faces a declining population and the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research estimates Japan’s population will decline by 21% to only 100 million by 2049.  At the same time Japanese companies are looking outside to grow their businesses.  This is good for Japan, except that when you become international, you need to deal in English.  Where are these English speakers going to come from?

Prior to the Lehman Shock there were over 80,000 Japanese students travelling abroad to study.  After the Lehman shock this number dropped down to 50,000 a year and has crawled back up to around 60,000. Lately, seventy per cent of those studying abroad only stayed for one month, which makes you wonder what they picked up in that short period.

Another worrying thing is that young Japanese are not interested in going abroad to study.  Over 60% of High School students said they would rather stay in Japan and over 50% of young people in general, said the same thing.  So where are the needed English speakers going to come from?

The answer is from inside our companies.  Larger companies will send their Japanese staff abroad to work and in the process they improve their international understanding and their language skills.  In the past, these returnees have been an alien force for companies, because they come back with a different mindset and the companies haven’t been flexible enough about integrating them into the mother ship.  This is getting better and where it hasn’t, these valuable employees jump ship to a better environment, that is to say our firms, where their talents, particularly language ability, can be fully utilised.

The general acceptance of mid-career hires has improved a lot in Japan too and we can all thank the 1999 collapse of Yamaichi securities for that. A lot of loyal, lifetime employees were thrown out on the street and were picked up by other companies, reducing the stigma attached to mid-career hires.  The Lehman Shock in 2008, the triple disaster of earthquake, tsunami and nuclear reactor meltdown in 2011 and the pandemic since 2020 have all continued this trend of people losing their jobs through no fault of their own. Mid-career hiring has continued to be more accepted as a function of the modern world and this gives all of us better access to English speakers moving companies.

English language lessons are often prevalent inside organisations, as they work to help their staff do better in communicating with the outside world and with staff in Japan from overseas.  The problem for some of them though is no amount of English language lessons will convince them to speak up in meetings or to volunteer to present in English.  This is where they need additional help. 

When forced to present in English, the reflex action is to put all the text up on the screen, so that they can read it to their audience.  If that isn’t possible, then they print it all out and read it, word for word, while diligently looking down at the script, ignoring the audience altogether. “Painful” is the main word to describe this experience for those on the receiving end.  Why are they destroying their presentations in this way? 

The simple answer is perfectionism, driven by fear.  This is a country of no defects, no mistakes and no errors.  Making a mistake while speaking in English therefore is not possible, the loss of face unimaginable, so all manner of artifices have to be employed to avoid this inadequacy.  For the foreigners listening to mistakes made in English by Japanese speakers, this is usually nothing to worry about.  We are coming from multi-cultural societies and are used to non-native speakers making pronunciation errors and grammatical mistakes.  We just mentally rearrange what they said into the correct alignment and answer their questions or make our contribution to whatever they said, without missing a beat.  Basically, we are not demanding linguistic purity or perfection – this need is all in the heads of the Japanese when speaking English. 

We must help them by giving them the freedom to make mistakes, to free them from the chains of grammar, to overlook the butchering of certain words when spoken out loud.  We need to encourage them to concentrate on communication and not language. 


What I mean by that is putting their passion behind what they say.  To speak a little louder than normal, in order to sound more confident, which helps with the credibility of what is being said. To employ pauses to moderate their speaking speed, in case they get nervous and start prattling along.  To use the slide as a prompt and speak to the point with the English they have, rather than losing their audience by reading off the screen or script.  To try and engage their audience by making eye contact for at least six seconds and to try and make eye contact with as many in the audience as possible during the course of their talk.  In this way they can establish the feeling of a personal connection between speaker and listener which is completely independent of language capability.  To employ gestures to strengthen the point they are making and not to feel self-conscious about doing so.


We have limited access to those Japanese who have lived abroad and so have to make the most of those we have managed to attract into our companies.  Whatever level of English they have has to be worked on beyond English language classes, to enable them to present in a professional manner.  If this support is there, then they will become more comfortable dealing with foreign colleagues and speaking in English.  They will become fully functioning members of the team and able to work across borders and language barriers.



Apr 11, 2023

How could we lose track of buyers?  Unfortunately it is very easy.  That nice person we have been dealing with inside the company, the one with whom we have built a solid relationship, where the trust is brimming and the bonhomie is pumping, is transferred to another section or they leave the company for another job.  Suddenly we are left with nothing.  If it is an internal transfer, we may find there is a new person who decides they will put their own stamp on things. They bring in their own suppliers who are their favourites.  They have a competing established relationship or maybe they don’t like the cut of our jib.  If a new person is being hired in to replace the incumbent, then there will be a break in the traffic for a couple of months and before you know it, things have begun to drift and we have trouble making the connection with the new person. 

Maybe there is a global pandemic and everything shuts down for a couple of years.  The company has stopped spending on what we offer and when we go back to rekindle the relationship quite a lot has changed.  The people may be gone, the budgets may be gone, the strategy may be new and different.  Basically, we have to start again.  We know the history with the client, but often the new people we are dealing with have no idea who we are and we are basically doing a cold call to this company.  Some are working in the office and some are still at home.  Getting hold of people puts us in quandary. 

That iron wall of disinterest on the part of those answering the phone is there in all its confronting glory.  In Japan, if you don’t know the actual name of the person, you are almost guaranteed to never get through to the function you need to be speaking with.  “We will take a message and let them know” in my experience never translates into getting a call back, no matter how many times you call.  The junior person answering the phone fully believes their duty is to keep you as far away from their company as possible and they are incredibly diligent in that endeavour. If you ask them the name of the person performing that functional role they won’t tell you, as if this information was a major corporate secret and you are an industrial spy.

I remember there was a change of President in an international luxury firm here we had been dealing with and I tried to speak with the new President. Unfortunately, I didn’t know the name of the replacement and no matter how many times I called, the young woman answering the phone would block me and was most unhelpful.  Frustrating doesn’t even begin to describe the feeling.  I never did meet the new President 

What can we do?  If there is going to be an internal transfer, these usually take place every April in Japan, as that is the start of the new financial year.  It is a good practice to check with our champion that they are not getting transferred to a new section and we shouldn’t assume they will be staying put.  Every year we should get it into our calendar to check in on any likely staff movements which might effect them. 

If they flag a move, then we need to ask them to sprinkle the sacred water on our brow and anoint us into the bosom of their colleague who is taking over.  Being introduced by our champion is very powerful because it helps us to overcome any likelihood their replacement may go crazy and introduce our competitor.  There is an implicit obligation to honour what their predecessor was doing, otherwise it looks like an oblique criticism of their work.  When we meet the new person we have to start again and build the trust.  What personality style are they?  Highly analytical, time is money, have a cup of tea together or a big picture person?  What communication stye do they prefer?  We need to rejig everything. 

If there is a new person being recruited from outside then the whole effort becomes more difficult.  Our existing champion has left the building, so they have no influence any more on what happens.  How will we know when they have recruited the new person?  This is not very easy because when we call, we get that junior person who is highly motivated to tell us absolutely nothing about what is going inside the firm.  We can try and ask our champion to nominate someone in the same section or in a related section, who will take our call and who will share the name of the new person. 

Another tack is to ask the junior person who usually answers the phone to help us meet the new person.  We can explain that Suzuki san is leaving and we know that it will take a few months for the replacement to arrive and that we would like to call them every now and then and get an update, so that we can meet the new person.  Given we have a relationship with Suzuki san, there is a super slim chance they will agree to help us.

Sometimes our champion is the President of the organisation. As we know, corporate life can be brutal and suddenly your President champion is out of the organisation.  This has happened to me a couple of times recently. One was through a merger and the conquering acquirer ditched my guy, to put in their own guy.  In another case, I happened to see a LinkedIn post where a mutual friend was congratulating my champion on his new venture.  New venture?  What new venture?  I discovered he had quit the company and was now doing his own thing.  That happened very fast.  A third President, who had been very, very effective in his role and a great client, was suddenly gone.  I still don’t know why, but my champion has been pushed out. We need to keep a close eye on our champions!

All of this presupposes we are well organised.  We need to keep checking on the internal transfer plans for our champion and also to take action immediately we know they are leaving to be able to track the arrival of their replacement and find out the new name.  We need to keep up a regular contact with our President champion, because there are no guarantees of corporate loyalty or longevity anymore. None of this guarantees anything, but it is a lot better than trying to batter down the iron wall keeping us out.  Sales is hard anywhere but Japan just adds that patina of difficulty which makes everything much harder here.  Yes, it should be better, it should be different but it isn't. We have to adapt and be both agile and nimble.

Apr 10, 2023

I have a couple of very good books here at home on how to create your visuals for the slide deck.  The layout clearly does make a big difference to the quality of the message.  If you ever doubt this, take a look at most Japanese business presentations.  The slide will usually be amazingly overcrowded and dense to a degree you cannot comprehend in a traditional culture, which has embraced zen simplicity at its highest levels.  Four or five slides worth of content will be crammed on to one slide and the messages feel like they snapping at each other for our attention, like small dogs nipping at your heels. 

Occasionally, here in Japan, you do see a professional job on the visual side of the presentation.  In my experience, this is usually the case of a foreigner giving their presentation.  The counterpoint from some Japanese to this exemplary effort is to tell me that okay for foreigners but “we Japanese have own way” of doing presentations.  This nationalistic anachronism is basically crap and what I see as a pathetic exercise in justifying the unjustifiable. 

“Whoa Greg! Mate, you are going a bit hard there on the Japanese aren’t you?”.  Trust me after living here for 38 years and having seen hundreds of Japanese presentations in business, I feel my scepticism is warranted.  Message clarity is message clarity. No amount of nationalistic posturing and excuse making will overcome the basic fact that you cannot have four different fonts and five colours on a massively overcrowded screen and expect that your principal message will be getting through. You might think I am kidding about multi-font and multi-colour slides, but I am merely capturing what we see here from some Japanese business presenters.

Okay, Japanese presenters are not the only ones who do crazy stuff on screen and I have certainly coached Western executives to change the way they present, to make it more clear and powerful. The point is what we put up on screen should be clear and easy to digest. I believe if the audience cannot get the key message on screen in two seconds, then the content is too complex and needs to be simplified.  This has always been my motto. Today, thanks to social media, the attention span of people has radically shortened and the time on screen equation has gotten even tighter, than say ten years ago.  For all of us, the pressure is really on to improve our communication ability, regardless of nationality

Another trap with visuals is making them too good.  That sounds counter-intuitive I know and there are plenty of authors doing well by teaching us how to pimp our slides.  What I mean is we can suffer the opposite problem of the dismal slide effort and have something that is so attractive, it cuts us out of the limelight.  Never forget, our face rather than the screen is the most valuable real estate during a presentation.

Using our facial expression is one of the most effective tools we have.  Think back to stage plays you have seen where the character is using their face to communicate an emotion or a thought on a bare stage with a simple set.  Their face can transmit so many ideas, emotions and thoughts and do it in nano seconds.  A quizzical look, scowl, grin, sneer, smile, puzzlement, triumph, loss are all facial expressions at our disposal as speakers, to be matched with our words and then add on our gestures to create a powerhouse of communication.

Presenting gets a bit harder when the venue is quite big and there are two enormous screens up high behind us, competing with us.  The sheer size of the images dwarfs us on stage and we shrink in importance.  If we are ever in that situation, then we have to really work hard to counter the competition we are getting from the visuals. We need the audience to stay with us.  We don't want them ignoring us because they are captivated by visuals which are overpowering the speaker.

 In these situations, we have to amp up our voice and gestures to keep the audience with us.  By using pauses, we can tap into pattern interrupt psychology, to force the listeners to refocus on us and what we are saying.  When the visuals are super attractive, we can easily become some annoying white noise going on in the background, while the audience is fascinated by the visual images being presented.  When we stop speaking, the listeners get their fill of the visual image and are then looking for the next round of stimulation. That stimulation has to be focused on what we are saying. 

We should definitely use this if we are playing video during the presentation.  Most video is off the mark anyway, being produced by the PR department to fit across a general need, rather than the specific needs of the topic we are speaking on.  Sometimes the visuals can be very attractive in the video however and the audience can get engrossed by the action and images.  The danger is we are the next item and we are boring, nowhere near as attractive as the models in the video and a bit dull visually compared to what has just been presented.

This is why as the speaker we should inject a longish pause after the video, rather than just carrying straight on.  By doing this we create some space and distance between what they saw on screen and they have some time to adjust to us back in the room.  They are also anticipating what we will say next, because we haven’t started speaking immediately and there is a slightly disconcerting pause in place.  Fifteen seconds is a long pause and it will be a very valuable fifteen seconds to get the audience to forget what they just saw and get them back concentrating on us.

“Never let the visuals dominate your presentation” should be the basic rule.  They are a slave to our will and a tool at our disposal and that is all they are.  Let’s keep the power equation in our favour and always remain the centrepiece of the presentation.  Our face, gestures and voice are more than up to the task, if we know what we are doing.

Apr 3, 2023

 The raconteur is admired and the reason is because they are brimming with interesting stories, incidents, vignettes and amusing reflections.  We don’t need to be a gold medal winning raconteur to be a presenter, but we do need to borrow from their catalogue and start building up stories.  I was listening to an interview with a rakugo professional. They make their living telling stories.  They do this while sitting stationary on a big cushion dressed in kimono, employ only a fan as a prop and use their facial expressions, eye power, voice modulation, body language and delivery timing to captivate their audience.  We have many fewer restrictions in what we are doing when presenting, but there is much to learn here.

They start by copying the stories of their master and then they bring their own flavour to the story once they have mastered it.  We can do the same.  When we read a biography of a famous person, we will find there are many interesting turning points, eureka moments and key incidents in their story, which we can use in our presentations as examples.  The big difference is we have probably read these before, but without the mindset to capture them, note them down where they can be found and then to employ them. 

Once we decide that we are going to employ more stories to make our points, we start to read and search with a different purpose.  Generally, there are only a few topics on which we will give a public speech and so there is a defined world in which we can search for stories.  If we think we have to read everything available and search for stories across a broad front, we will give up, because the task is overwhelming.  We select the areas we will cover and then we think about where can we find stories on these topics. 

Another way is to think about people who will resonate with the audience.  If you think Steve Jobs is a likely example who people will pay attention to, then we search out what he had to say or what people have said about him and try and find relevant stories and examples we can use. There is no shortage of famous people we can draw upon, we just have to make simple list and then start.

There are plenty of speeches available on TED talks and on YouTube or on podcasts where we can locate content we can use.  We can search from the content point of view or from the individual whom we think will have something worthwhile to say.  There are thousands of blogs, articles and books on the subject we have chosen.  The key is to absorb them with a viewpoint that we are looking for content we can use, rather than just absorbing the content for its own sake.  We can do both of course and we should be doing both.

In our communities, there are bound to be people giving talks.  We should attend these and see if they have any interesting examples or stories we can use.  There is no shame in attributing the stories to the person you heard it from – no one marks you down for doing that because all they care about is do they get value from the story.  Ripping off other people’s stories and then manufacturing them as if they are your own cases is a very, very bad idea.  Plagiarism of any variety shouts that you are an intellectual lightweight and pathetic thief.  This is not a reputation building plus, so don’t steal. 

Remember, our reputation in the business world is all we have really.  Lose that and life in business gets very hard, as no one will trust you or want to work with you.  If you are so duplicitous as to steal someone’s story material, then why would we see you as a reliable business partner?  Well we won’t and you don’t have to do this anyway because there are tons of stories available.  We will have our own home grown experiences and there will be plenty of these to draw on.  What we usually lack is the ability to capture what happened and use it.  Often things happen and we just keep moving forward and don’t capture the detail so that we can use it later.  Or if we do capture it, we can never find where we put it.

This requires a good record keeping system, with a robust filing and recall mechanism and also the discipline to look for good stories to capture in the first place.  It means we have to be well organised.  We don’t exactly know which story we will need or just when, but if we can locate what we need, when we need it, then we are good to go. To get to that stage isn’t that easy, but today there are digital records we can access from anywhere.  I use Evernote on my phone to capture items I think will be useful for later.  I can re-type it or photograph it, so the process becomes fast. I can download this content and move it around to file it, categorise it and find it later.  I am sure there are many other apps for this purpose and that is the beauty of this age - we have few excuses for not being able to capture useful information.

How many stories do we need?  Not that many because we don't get that many chances to give a public talk.  As I mentioned the speech topics will probably be limited.  When you combine few speaking opportunities with a limited range of topics, then the number of stories required becomes relatively small in number.  If you said I need ten stories, that would be relatively easy to assemble over the period of a year.  If you said one hundred, then that thought will probably have you zooming straight to the couch to lie down for a while and recuperate.  Start small and capture them one on one and before you know it, you will be surprised with how many useful pieces you have assembled.


Mar 28, 2023

Don’t Forget To Pause When Presenting

 Nervousness drives speed when we are speaking.  Without even realising it, the adrenaline pumping through our veins is speeding everything up.  Once we get on a roll, it is hard to get off that speeding, runaway train.  The speed may not always be driven by nerves though.  Sometimes expertise can be our downfall. I was listening to a speaker being interviewed on a podcast and I was vaguely wondering why I was having trouble understanding what she was saying.  It slowly dawned on me that she spoke for long passages, quite quickly, injected no pauses into her flow and she also had an accent when she spoke in English.  That combo was a message killer.  She was quite expert in her field, so she certainly had a lot to say and was confident to say it. 

The content wasn’t satisfying though.  Why was that?  She was making me work too hard to get her message.  She had “message giver” consciousness but she didn’t have any sense of the “message receiver” side of the equation. The podcast host just let her ramble on and that didn’t help either.  If he was a bit more experienced, he would have realised she needed to speak in segments, rather than in one long monologue. He could have helped her to package up her message into more bite sized pieces.  Even without speaking fast and having no pauses, her message was going to be hard to grasp anyway, because she was providing a lot of content.  This massive content hits us like continuous waves and each successive wave wipes out what came before it, so it is hard to internalise.

From this perspective, we realise that having a lot to say and a lot of knowledge doesn’t mean anything in terms of message delivery, unless we know what we are doing.  So whether it is nerves or knowledge, driving the problem, we need to give the audience the chance to chew a bit on what we just said.  This is where the pause comes in.  Once what we have said has sunk in, they are ready for the next section.

If we are to stop the runaway train, we have to inject some silence into the proceedings.  This presumes we notice what is going on.  I doubt our speaker on the podcast had any clue on how she was coming across.  She was powering away, ignorant of whether the way she was delivering the talk was effective or not.  Unless she recognises herself in this podcast of mine, she is probably still clueless and is likely to remain that way.

This is a big danger, because we can spend our whole career or big chunks of it doing things the wrong way.   Most people around us are equally untrained, so who is there to give us the necessary feedback to be able to adjust and fix the issue?  Usually there is no one around, so off we go, year after year, repeating the same fault. 

It doesn't matter whether we are speaking, answering questions on a panel or in a podcast, we have to be in control of the delivery.  We need to break our talk up into small packages for delivery and we need some “white space” between them.  The pauses are usually not overly dramatic and long.  A five second pause sounds entirely normal and unremarkable.  Ten seconds or more however and the audience wonders what is going on.  Have we forgotten what we want to say or are we lost in our flow, is there something wrong?

On occasion, we may use that doubt and employ a long pause for dramatic effect.   

If we feel we are losing the attention of or concentration from our audience and we see they are getting distracted, we need to get them back to listening to us.  A longer pause has the effect of a pattern interrupt and those who have tuned us out, thinking about something else, become puzzled by the change.  This pattern interrupt forces them to come back to us to find out what is going on.  Or we may use the longer pause to let a rhetorical question hang in the air for longer than normal.  This creates some tension in the room because there is now a question as to whether we the audience, have to come up with the answer or whether the speaker is going to answer that question.  This tension is very useful for keeping the audience’s attention focused on our talk.

Soundbites, followed by pauses, may be useful for media interviews, but they don’t work well in speeches.  We need to make sure we have enough substance to our points, to back up any statements we may be making.  So the balance between speaking and non-speaking periods needs to be considered.  We can inject short pauses for audience comprehension purposes and still keep the flow going.

Don’t forget to pause when you are delivering your talk.  If you do, then you can be much more confident that the message you want to get across will be percolating away nicely in the brains of the audience.

Mar 20, 2023

“Man, it feels hot in here.  My throat is parched.  My hands are sweating and butterflies have taken over my stomach”.  These are some typical symptoms of nervousness about getting up in front of hundreds of sceptical, beady eyed people looking up and boring a hole into us as the speaker at the event.  We are concerned about whether what we are going to say is going to be well received or not.  Our voice may waver a bit when we first start because of that nervousness and now we feel even added pressure, because this isn’t going so well.

What we are doing is digging a hole for ourselves to bury this speech, as an example of one of the dismal efforts by speakers who have little idea of what they are doing.  The focus is on us.  I saw this speaker from the USA, at a Chamber of Commerce event just have a meltdown because she was so nervous.  Tall, well-coiffed, suited and booted, she looked the money.  She was using slides and she started well.  However, it soon became obvious that she had tried to memorise what she wanted to say, as she went through the slides.  

Memorisation puts enormous additional pressure on the speaker, in fact, way too much pressure and sure enough she cracked.  Suddenly she announced, “I need to take a breath”.  Okay, we forgave her that one.  But two minutes later she stopped again for another breath.  Her credibility along with her message, just sailed out the window.

The whole affair was her focused on her.  This is the issue with nervousness – we are the focus and not the audience.  So many conversations are going on in our head, all centered on ourselves and what we are doing and how we are doing it.  This is natural and nothing unusual.  The point is to get beyond that self-focus.  How do we do that?

A good starting point is to not try and memorise what you are going to say.  Our American lady could have just spoken to the slides.  You have to know your material, so this isn’t a big demand really.  You know what you need to say, so just say it as each slide comes up.  

The other key is rehearsal.  She was giving this talk for the first time.  She was practising on us, the audience and that is an extremely bad idea.  We don’t rehearse because we have sucked up all the preparation time on getting the slides together.  If she had rehearsed, she would have been more comfortable with the content for each slide and she could have switched the focus from herself to the audience.

The other key point is only we know what we are going to say.  If we depart from our rehearsal content regarding comments on a certain slide, only we know that.  If we carry on regardless, no one will notice and they will just accept this is what we wanted to say.  Telling the audience “I need to take a breath”  is an admission of defeat, lack of preparation and the self-induced collapse of professionalism.  

I was giving a closing talk at the end of a convention and even though I had practiced this talk fifteen times, I still had trouble.  For some unknown reason, in the moment of delivery I decided to go to point four and skipped point three.  Now I kicked myself and had a short internal conversation, “you idiot, you skipped three”.  I didn’t declare this to the audience. I just placed point three after point four and charged on as if it was all part of the grand plan and there was nothing amiss, nothing to see here.  Only I knew I had mixed up the order and that is the important part.  If things awry, keep it to yourself, because there is a microscopically slim chance the audience will ever notice.

Once we can get over our self-focus, we can really start working on our audience.  We bring the big three to bear in them – our voice, eyes and gestures.  Voice modulation keeps people with us. It also allows us to select certain key words for more emphasis, by either adding or subtracting volume – both work.  A secret whisper is just as effective as a stentorian outburst.

When we add to the voice with our eye contact with members of the audience, that makes the message so much more individual and powerful. I don’t mean trying to take in the whole audience at one time with eye contact.  I mean to zoom in on one person at a time, for about six seconds.  They idea is to use both of our eyes to focus on just one point of concentration and that is only one of the eyes of that audience member.  If we keep this single gaze for too long, the pressure is too great, so after around six seconds we need to move our eye contact to another audience member. Here is a funny thing.  In a big crowd, the twenty people down the back sitting around that one person we have selected, will all feel we are talking directly to them.

So we are using our voice and eye contact for bolstering our message and then we add in gestures.  We don’t point our finger at people, as that is too aggressive and seems almost accusatory.  We open the hand up and turn the palm upward, as we indicate to that person sitting there in the audience quietly minding their own business.  Why palm up?  This is an indicator from prehistoric days of “I come bearing no hidden weapons. I come in peace and you can relax”. When we hit them with voice, eye contact and a gesture like this we have their undivided attention for our message.

We have moved the focus off ourselves and how nervous we are feeling, to actively engage with the whole audience – one person at a time.  We transport ourselves from a focus on “me” to “you” and we will be so much more effective as a communicator when we make that transition.


Mar 13, 2023

What do we bring to our presentations?  Usually we have two things – information and a point of view.  For a lot of presentations, the information element becomes a data dump.  This is very boring and tedious for the most part.  The issue should always be “okay, what does this information mean and what does it mean for the audience?”.  We should always try and break numbers down to word pictures because once we get into big numbers the level of abstraction goes through the roof.  For example, for you, what exactly is a billion or a trillion of anything?  It is very hard to understand that many zeros.  This requires some level of interpretation and once we get into interpretation, we get into debate.

Having a point of view is the other pillar of talks.  We want our audience to do something, think something or feel something.  We believe something to be true and we want to alert our audience to this valuable morsel of wisdom.  As soon as we start venturing down this path, we trigger a degree of debate in the minds of the listeners.  Their experience may be different or missing.  They may even have different information, data or “alternate facts”, the latter otherwise known as errors and falsehoods. 

Whether we are pouring on the data and then adding an interpretation or elucidating our point of view, there is a good chance that when we get to the Q&A component of the talk, we will flag some opposition to what we have said.  I am often surprised, listening to the Q&A for my own talks or those for others, how often the questioner has missed the point or misinterpreted what was just said by the speaker.  Obviously if they have misunderstood what we are saying we have to correct them.  This is where we can bridge into argument with some members of our audience.  How should we approach this? 

If you are strong in your advice and opinion and then just roll over at the first whiff of opposition to what you say, the listeners conclude you are a flake and don’t believe what you are promulgating.  So you cannot ignore or agree with what was said, if it contradicts your line of argument.  You have to stand your ground and back up your assertions.  The problem becomes where is the line between an assertion and an attack on the questioner. 

There are two levels here.  What we say and how we say it.  The worst outcome is when we become spontaneous and engage our mouth, before we turn on the brain completely.  Blurting out a response, especially an emotional response, to someone questioning what we have said is bound to end in a trainwreck of our reputation.  This is easier than you think.  You are isolated, standing on stage and everyone is looking at you and you hear the sound of that incoming heat seeking missile aimed at you and what you have said.  We can take the comments personally and feel we have defend our good name and off we go on the counterattack.  This is definitely one approach to avoid. 

Instead, we should use a trigger in the form of a cushion, to break the mouth-brain cycle and reverse the order.  A cushion is an anodyne statement which will not prove or disprove what they said and being rather neutral, won’t inflame the situation.  An example would be, “That is a point we should explore a bit further”.  In the few seconds we take to make that statement we switch gears to engage the brain about how best to answer the question/attack from the listener.  A considered answer is always the preferred methodology for speakers and sometimes we just need to buy some time to move from our emotional state to a more logical construct.

Now we are better armed to answer the point.  The key is to not debate them.  We do not want the proceedings to derail into a dialogue between the speaker and one member of the audience and allow everyone else to leap for their phones, during this boring, self-indulgent interlude in the talk.  There are other people waiting with their own questions and we have a hard stop for the talk. We must keep within that time frame or we risk upsetting everyone in the audience, if we make them late by going over our allotted time.  They don’t blame the questioner – they blame us.

We should answer their question or complaint to the best of our ability and then seamlessly and velvet like, glide into the next question by saying, “who has the next question?”.  In my view, we should never ask the person with an opposing opinion, “Does that answer your question?”.  Some people who teach presentations skills disagree and believe we should take this high road to show how balanced we are.  I wonder how many public talks they have given, rather than just teaching presentations skills? In my experience, all you are doing is opening a can of worms and the debate rapidly spins out of control into an argument.  

If we have a questioner with an agenda, they won’t let go so easily and may try to chime in before we move to another question.  They will demand we debate them on their enquiry.  This is bad form, cringe worthy and drives up the tension gauge in the room, but that doesn’t stop some people.  This is when we hit them with “Thank you.  I see you are passionate about this topic and in order to give others a chance to ask their questions, shall we continue this discussion together after the talk?  I am happy to stay on after the event has finished”.  They have nowhere to go with this clever volley return.

We should back up what we are saying and try to defend our point of view, but not let the presentation slip into a slugfest of contrasting opinions.  We are the speaker, so it is up to us to control the flow and the architecture of the talk.  Audience members are under no such restrictions and can do whatever they like.  We can debate the point, but we should always avoid lapsing into argument.  This is the sign of the amateur when presenting, because they don’t know how to control the street fight, which can be thinly disguised as the Q&A.

Mar 6, 2023

Normally a talk for a business audience will be around 40 minutes long.  That seems a lot until you start putting the talk together and you always feel you don’t have enough time to include all of the cool information and stories you have at your disposal.  The absolutely wrong way to start is to harvest slides from previous presentations and then start cobbling together all of the visual pieces and make that the talk.  Why?  The format for a presentation has various cadences and we need to master each stage.  That requires planning and rehearsal.  I would guess 99% of business talks are given once - on that day, to that live audience.  What that means is that the talk wasn’t refined through rehearsal to make it sparkle and for it to fit perfectly into the time allowed.  Businesspeople buy bespoke clothing and shoes, because they want these items to fit perfectly and we should apply the same logic to making our talk fit perfectly for our audience. 

The start and end are two specific cadences with clear purposes and so are easy to understand.  ADD or Attention Deficit Disorder is now a global pandemic infecting all of our business audiences.  That is why the opening has to break through that attention deficit problem and grab everyone’s attention.  The process starts from the moment we arrive before the audience, to check all the tech is working and to start engaging with the listeners as they enter the room. We want to build a personal connection, which will make it more likely they will actually pay attention to us when we start.   

It also continues the moment we are being introduced.  Often there is a lunch before our talk and we are placed on the table with all of the big shots.  I don’t recommend getting up from the table and walking to the stage.  As soon as the MC begins our introduction, we should stand up and off to the side, so that we are clearly visible to everyone right from the start.  This gives the audience the chance to look us up and down and get through that initial judgement they make on how we are dressed and how professional we look.  It also makes it smoother and quicker to mount the stage when it is time to start.

We get straight into the opening, using our blockbuster statement to grab attention, to tantalise the listeners with what is to come and then we can introduce ourselves and thank the organisers.  Preferably someone else is switching the slide decks over or getting ours slides up. We don’t want be distracted from focusing on our audience, especially at the start, when all of those first impressions are being created. This standing up, getting on stage and getting started takes around five minutes and we try and break the forty minutes into eight five minute blocks.  Our talk has been rehearsed, so we know exactly how long each section takes.

We are doing all of the talking and that can be tiring for an audience to sit there and listen to us blabbing away.  We need to have it planned such that we switch up the action roughly every five minutes.  This is using what is called a “pattern interrupt”, so that the listeners are not getting what they expected.  Expectation in audiences can lead to them day dreaming and leaving us, as their thoughts take over. They stop taking in what we are saying or even worse, they are now looking at their phones. We might use a great visual we have selected or we might change our energy during the delivery.  Classical music has it cadences from highs to lows to highs, to make sure we don’t get bored listening to it.  Our talk can copy this idea.  Maybe we drop our voice down to a conspiratorial whisper or we raise it to stentorian heights – it doesn’t matter, because the point is to use our energy to create a change, which adds interest to what is going on.  We don’t want to be predictable, because this is when attention will stray on the part of the audience.

The end cadence is actually split into two parts – before the Q&A and after the Q&A.  We can use a summary of our key points or a call to take action and man the barricades.  We need to put a bow on this talk and draw the whole apparatus together so that the main message remains the message the audience retains.  We switch over to Q&A, which invariably will take the whole talk off track and there is no way of controlling that.  What we need to do though is to repeat our summary or call to action. We must monopolise the messaging after the Q&A, for that audience and make sure they get what we want them to get.

Naturally the talk won’t fit into precise five minute segments, but the key is regularly change the content, the energy, the delivery, the flow so that we keep a stranglehold on the attention of the audience and no phones are being surreptitiously engaged instead concentrating of us.  There is no doubt that this outbreak of ADD, combined with the mobile phone, has made our task as speakers, so much more complex and fraught.  We can rage against the inequities, or we can adjust what we are doing to overcome these challenges.


Feb 27, 2023

We have a talk coming up which we have to give to a business audience and we work hard on the preparation.  We make sure that we don’t suck up all of the time though, with preparing the slide deck and forget to do our rehearsal.  This run through of the talk before we give it live, is a key component of getting our timing right and our cadence flowing.  This makes us easy to follow for the listeners and allows the talk to move seamlessly through the different chapters of the content.

We arrive early to the venue and start interacting with our audience as they arrive.  We try and meet as many people as possible and build that powerful personal connection.  We ask them why they chose to attend, what are they doing at the moment, what are they interested in, etc.  As the speaker we want to try and demolish that invisible wall separating us from the attendees. We are trying to form a collective, where we are all members together, trying to locate pertinent answers to business conundrums we are all facing.  Their feedback is also useful for us to further refine the delivery of the talk to include some issues they have raised. 

Everyone is naturally totally preoccupied with themselves and their problems, so we need a blockbuster opening to grab everyone’s attention from the start.  At the end, we wrap it up with a sharp summary or a call to action, such that our words are still ringing in their ears, as they wind their way out of the venue.  All the technical aspects of the talk need to be in place.

We can’t be satisfied with this though.  We need to be aiming to strongly engage our audience during our talk.  Sounds easy.  However, think back and consider how many speakers you have sat through, who managed to really engage their audiences?  I am guessing very few or certainly not enough.  Why is that the case?  We would expect that this engagement process would be a big part of the speaker’s efforts to sell their message. 

We want to get the audience on our side and we want to establish rapport and build trust, so they buy what we are saying.  The problem is often the speaker has a misconception of their role.  They think they are there to pile on the information, data, statistics, evidence, etc., and if they do that, then they will be successful as a presenter.

The problem with this approach is it can be very dry, boring and painful to sit through.  Reeling off numbers is a favourite but often it is an abstraction.  We leave the listeners to do all of the hard work to connect these numbers to their individual realities.  For example, I could note that Government figures talk about the number of Japanese aged 15-34 having halved over the last twenty years and that they will halve again by 2060.  Now this is a very abstract idea and useful to a point, but what are the audience members supposed to do with those numbers?

Instead, I could reference those same numbers and then add, “So what does this mean for all of us in this room?”   This is a nice framing exercise to stimulate everyone to start thinking about how to connect the data to their own situation.  We could then go on to add, “basically the data shows we are running out of young Japanese to hire for our firms and we are heading into a zero sum game headwind of winners and losers in recruiting staff.  Which one are you planning for, to be a winner or a loser, in this war for talent?”.  Now I have successfully connected the numbers with a real business problem, they are all either facing now or will face in the future, regardless of their industry or the age and stage of their business.

I could take it even further and start adding in a story from my own experience to really drive home the point and make a common cause with my audience.  After telling them the numbers and asking about whether they will be winner or losers, I could relate a relevant anecdote. 

I could say, “As I stand here, I reflect on this for myself.  Ten years ago, I would have a nice thick pile of resumes on my desk to sort through and plenty of options about who to choose for my new staff.  Each year however, I started to notice that the size of that pile of resumes was getting smaller and smaller and so were my options. I also noticed that the candidates seem to be gaining a lot more choices about accepting offers.  They were becoming pickier and pickier about who they would choose to join.  It has become harder than ever to actually recruit staff. I am sure I am not the only one here to have this experience, which just underlines that we have to switch our thinking about recruiting and retaining staff”.

Even if they hadn’t personally been in a position of responsibility to recruit staff, everyone in the room can get the point. It makes the statistics come alive as a real business problem we are all facing, as the Japanese population continues its unstoppable decline. They are going to be sitting there contemplating the ramifications for their own firm.

We can use a combination of pointed questions to drive the audience to react to a problem or a topic and also add in stories, which further highlight the issues.  Questions are powerful, particularly rhetorical questions, for which we don’t expect an answer.   They are useful in order to direct the listener’s attention to a problem we want to highlight and engage their problem-solving thought processes.

When using storytelling, personal stories are best.  Within the personal story group, disaster stories are the top of the tree for effectiveness.  If I said, “let me tell you how we increased our revenues by 300%”, that will not be as interesting to an audience as if I said, “let me tell you why we saw revenues drop by 300%”.  We are geared up for lessons to avoid mistakes and we love a good train wreck story, so that we don’t repeat that same misfortune ourselves.

Ideally, we would have a train wreck story and a salvation story of how we turned things around.  That makes for a brilliant combination and the audience will be all ears to discover the solution, so that they can learn from it too.  The key is to translate the data into issues they will be facing and to make our story delivery as personal as possible.  If that isn’t necessarily available, then referencing third party examples and what happened will also work.

By doing some simple adjustments to our talk, we can elevate if from a remote topic, which is pretty boring, to a theme of hot interest and relevance.  The key is to start from a point of view of how can I find a connector to my audience’s interest, which will engage them, such that they want to hear more from me.  In this way, we can become very effective in building up our personal and professional brands.




Feb 20, 2023

The beauty of being the presenter is that for the majority of the time we are dominant, the lord or mistress of all we survey, we are the big shot.  We can craft the speech anyway we wish and deliver it as we see fit.  We control the content, the pacing, the delivery, the engagement with the audience.  Things can a sudden turn for the worse though, when we utter these fateful words, “We have 20 minutes for Q&A and who has the first question?”.  Suddenly we have entered the world of the bare-knuckle street fight, with no rules and no quarter given.  The audience members can say whatever they like and we cannot control them.

Knowing that we can go from hero to zero in record time if we make a mess of the Q&A, are we taking it seriously enough?  I was reminded of the importance of preparation recently.  My son had a job interview to complete and the amount of preparation he did was impressive.  He did a thorough analysis of what he would bring to the firm and he came up with about twenty questions he anticipated they would ask him.  He enlisted me to be his training partner on numerous occasions and ask the questions and then pass on my feedback.  By the time he got to the interview he was fully prepared and even then they asked him questions he wasn’t anticipating and had to deal with them on the fly. 

I was reflecting on this and comparing with what I usually do when I prepare my talks.  I plan the talks very thoroughly and I do rehearse them, but I realised I was a bit light on my preparation for the Q&A.  “Once over lightly” would be a good descriptor.  This is a bit curious though because in a public talk we are launching forth with our personal and professional brands and putting our goods out there for all to see.  Normally I do list up what I think will be the most likely questions and then that is it.  I don’t spend any time constructing my answers, as I rely on my knowledge of the subject and my presentation skills to enable me to handle whatever comes at me.  I have fallen into the Comfort Zone trap of making “being good” the enemy of “being great”. 

I have seen speakers destroyed by questions they couldn’t handle.  They were doing so well up until the Q&A exposed a weakness in their professional capability and it shone a light on their credibility, bringing it into question.  I haven’t suffered that ignominy as yet, but maybe that has just been a lucky run?  When we do practice our question handling with a partner we have to be very careful how we do that.  Most people are not very skilled at this stuff and their advice can sometimes be harmful or demotivating.  We need to project confidence and being fully prepared for the main talk and the Q&A will help with that aim.  We also need to prepare our partner by asking them to give us very specific feedback.  We want to know (a) what we did well and (b) how could we make it even better.

As much as we may do this, the first response of most people is to start weighing in with their critique of what we didn’t do well. This is where we need to introduce some discipline.  The moment they start to criticise you, politely stop them and then redirect them to follow your original guidelines and tell you the good/better answer you are seeking.  Looking backwards is no help and we need to project forward and determine our future state, rather than having someone drag us backwards to a place we cannot change.

The other issue with preparation is to not sound robotic or too prepared.  Our delivery should be conversational and seemingly spontaneous.  It isn't spontaneous in the least because we have drilled the answers thoroughly but we don’t want to come across like that.  When we are asked the question, do not nod your head as if you are agreeing with the speaker.  We can do this unconsciously, trying to be affable.  We don’t know what they will ask, so we don’t want to be seen nodding to a very combustible question, as if we agree with it, so let’s have no head nodding while we listen carefully to what they are saying.

Many speakers then give the entire answer to the questioner and keep their focus on the one person.  Instead, we spend the first six seconds of our answer giving them eye contact and then we switch our gaze and start giving six seconds of eye contact to others in the audience.  We want to be inclusive so let’s use the baseball diamond method of six pockets - left, center and right field, as well as inner field and outer field.  Naturally we don’t spread our eye contact around in a geometric pattern which is predictable.  We mix it up and we catch people unawares as we address the answer to as many members of the audience as we can.  In this way we can engage the entire audience with our answer and we try to deliver it in a casual, relaxed “good bedside manner”.



Feb 13, 2023

ChatGPT is a marvel, there is no doubt about that.  We can programme the type of information we seek and it will scan through squillions of pieces of content and spit out an answer in seconds.   When I tried it the speech outline it came up with was quite standard and workable. We can continue and ask it to write our script for the talk and have it done instantly. Does this relieve us of having to spend valuable time in preparing our talks?  It certainly does that and anything which can save us major time is a welcome gift.  Okay so we get the script done, then what?

Whether we physically write out the script ourselves or the AI wonder does it for us, we don’t want to just stand there reading the content to our audience.  We would make the script production process quicker, but we are still stuck at the delivery stage.  We can have the machine help us with coming up with a gripper opening or a powerful close to make sure our message is getting through all of the competition for the attention of our audience.  We would still have to remember it though or at least be able to deliver the gist of what the clever AI tool came up with. 

Most talks are poorly constructed, so if the tool can improve that aspect of presentations then all power to the machine.  A step in the direction of a higher professional standard is the goal and we should use all tools at our disposal.  We used to use slide carousels to show photos and prepare content for overhead projectors and today we use our computers to create our presentation slide decks.  Powerpoint has a design function which gives us ideas on how to fluff up our slides. All saving time, money and improving the quality of the output.  ChapGPT is just the next round of the advance in presentation skills.

The content of the talk is a key aspect of it’s success and as more and more people use the tool the standard should go up.  If two people choose the same topic, there is a strong chance that what gets produced will be very similar.  This creates an issue with differentiation.  If we take the ChatGPT script as the base, we are still free to play around with it or do another search from a different angle so that we can maintain our differences.  The system is also rather formulistic at this point, so after a while you can spot which scripts were written by the machine and which were written by one of us. 

Ghost writers have been helping authors and speakers for a very long time.  We credit our famous politicians with brilliant speeches, but often they didn’t write them. The only difference today is we have outsourced the process to AI and the outputs are breathtakingly quick.  The speaker though has to get up and deliver the talk and the machine won’t be taking on that role for a while.  Not everyone is a good writer and so this modern tool helps to level the playing field. 

Normally I don’t write out my talks.  I have points I want to speak to and I create the talk not entirely on the fly, but after crafting the structure, I concentrate on the delivery piece, so that I am connecting with my audience and engaging their attention.  I use the slide deck as my navigation and memory tool, but what comes out of my mouth is relatively spontaneous. Years ago I saw an ex-journo read out his talk to the audience.  It was very well written and was very effective – as a written document.  Having him read it to us was disaster though and he had no way of connecting what he was saying to his audience.  The AI machine is in the same boat.

One exception to my own rule was my TED talk.  I had to speak for just thirteen minutes and I had to remember what I was saying.  I spent hours crafting that script which would be the memory bed from which I would draw on to speak spontaneously on stage.  I didn’t want to look at the monitors in front of me, because I wanted to be looking at my audience.  For the same reason, I didn’t want to look at the slide deck behind me on screen, so I chose to use mainly photos which I then spoke about, while engaging in eye contact with my audience. 

There was a lot of tinkering with that script before I got into a shape I was happy with and that would have no doubt happened too even if ChatGPT had provided the base content for me.  I think it would be a rare case that any of us would just grab the talk hot off the printer and go ahead verbatim and just use that content.  The urge to tweak it would be overwhelming for most of us, not all of us, I grant you, but certainly for most of us.

ChatGPT - I am talking to you now buddy – if you can eliminate the mundane structures, the tortured prose, the detritus of talks, all power to you.  By all means, let’s improve the base, but let’s also keep a clear view of our responsibility to take what we come up with and turn it into a triumph, because of our delivery skills, enthusiasm and passion.

Feb 7, 2023

I am constantly amazed at the lack of thinking about seizing opportunities for storytelling to be more persuasive in business.  Most interactions are one dimensional.  We want to buy something and the seller supplies it and that is the end of the transaction.  This is particularly so in the retail environment.  What is ironic is that vast swathes of products have huge budgets devoted to creating the story behind the product or service.  Somehow it doesn’t leap across to infect the staff who are selling it.  They just operate at the transactional level and don’t make any effort to go beyond that.  Why would one part of the organisation be ploughing big money into storytelling at the marketing level and not be making use of that same effort at the point of purchase?

Mindset and training are obviously the issues.  It is up to the company to work on the thinking of the staff and educate them why this is a gamechanger for the business. The people taking the dough off the buyer are not trained to think holistically about the brand or the business.  Every company has amazing stories about the origins of the firm, the amazing clients they have served and the fantastic results they have secured.  Sadly, they keep all of this stuff to themselves and we never hear about it.  Let me prompt some re-thinking here.

Imagine when someone is making a retail enquiry, that the salesperson was well trained and able to go beyond telling the client they are “there to answer any questions they might have”.  By the way, at least in Japan, there are staff there to serve you.  With the green eye shade bean counting crew running riot in big Western retailers, there is always that constant search for finding someone to serve you or to answer a question.  I was in Brisbane recently shopping at a major department store and there was stock everywhere on the floor and very people to process the sale.  Anyway, the person serving can become a storyteller as well as a transactor.

They could approach you and say, “Thank you for shopping today and thanks to you and our other valued clients, we are celebrating out sixtieth year in business.  If you have any questions, I am right here to answer them for you”.  That simple additional statement adds credibility to what is being sold because it says this company has stood the test of time and as a consequence, must be reliable. 

When explaining the good or service they can tell a brief story about the provenance of the solution.  How did this solution come into existence, who was involved and when did it happen.  There are so many rich stories tied up there and they are all known, but often not collected or promulgated.

In a B2B example, if a client was looking for sales training, we could just say we have various training courses available and then go through the detail.  Or we could say, “the roots of our sales training stretch back to 1939 when Dale Carnegie had reached global fame with his best selling book How To Win Friends And Influence People and responded to requests for public training classes in sales.  Prior to that time, if your company provided training you were looked after, otherwise you were on your own.  Dale Carnegie really democratised the process and made it available for everyone.  What we have today is the product of 80 plus years of experience, research and kaizen”.  That little story takes about 25 seconds to tell, which means it is rich enough and compact enough to give the client a solid impression of our credibility as a supplier of sales training.

Buyers, be they retail or B2B want to know who they are dealing with.  None of us want to make a mistake, so we are all looking for risk reduction. One of the most visited pages on our website is the section called “About Dale Carnegie Training”.  People want to know the backstory.

Another common interest part of website is the “About Us” segment. We are all looking for reassurance that we are dealing with the right people and that these are people we can trust.  So in our case, we have a section on the company, Frank Mochizuki who started the business in Japan, me as the President and then brief histories of our leadership, sales, presentations and communications core courses.  We are telling stories to persuade buyers that they are making a good decision to buy from us.  How about your website, what stories are you telling about your solutions?

This is the easy part of course and the hard part is training the team to both know the stories and to be able to communicate them concisely and powerfully in front of the buyer.  We need to create the content and then the time to teach people what they can say.  The key part is shifting gears away from a passive approach of serving, to a proactive approach of really serving the buyer, by going the extra mile to assure them you are a safe supplier they can trust. 

This is a major mindset shift and if that is all that is achieved, it will still put you far in front of the competition.  It is up to the firm of course, to do the backfill and give the team the tools and training to be more effective in their storytelling.  The cost is minimal in the big scheme of things and the outputs will be disproportionate to the effort to organise the inputs.

Jan 30, 2023

We love another acronym, not!  It is a handy memory jogger though, so let’s persevere with yet another one.  Whenever you are in a situation where you need to get collaboration,  support, funding or agreement, then the EAR formula is a very effective tool for presenters.  It is simplicity itself in terms of understanding the formula.  The delivery though is the key and this will make all the difference.

The Formula stands for E – Event, A – Action and R – Result.  It is quite counterintuitive and therein lies a lot of its success.  It is disarming and makes the presenter a small target for opposition to what they are recommending.  Often, we have something we want and our first instinct is to just blurt it out.  We have convinced ourselves that it is the best course of action, the most logical, high value approach and obviously the weight of all of these factors will automatically sway our listeners to adopt our recommendation.

What is the reaction to all of this blurting though?  Immediately the audience hears what we have to say, we are suddenly facing a crowd of card carrying sceptics.  We shouldn’t be surprised but we usually are.  What have we done?  We have offered the flimsiest tissue of an idea to the listeners and expected them to extrapolate what they have heard to encompass the full weight of our argument.  Of course we are intending to now launch into the detail of the idea, the rationale, the evidence etc.  This makes sense.  We are taught at business school to get the executive summary to the top of the report and then go into labyrinthine detail on why this idea makes a lot sense.  When it is in document form, the audience do read the detail and do pay attention to the proof of our idea.

Sadly, when we are live, they lose all senses and depart from the plan.  They hear our raw unaided, unprotected, unabashed idea and they go into deafness.  Their eyes are open but their mind has raced away to a distant place, where they are roiling through why this blurted idea makes little or no sense, or why it flies in the face of their experience or expectations, or a thousand other reasons why this simply won’t work.  We have lost their attention.

Instead we apply the EAR formula and we take them to a place in their mind’s eye.  There must be a reason why we believe what we think and that must have come from a limited number of sources – what we heard, read or experienced.  The Event piece is to reconstruct that moment when we had our epiphany, our realisation our breakthrough on this idea.  We want to transport them to the spot too, so that they can reconstruct the roots of this idea.

We don’t have unlimited time for this and we are telling a story, but it is a brief story.  If we get tangled up in the intricacies of the story and are going on and on, then the listeners will become impatient and dissatisfied.  If they are our bosses they will just tell us “to hurry up and get on with it”.

The secret is to put in the season – a snowy day, a hot summers day, a fall day, a spring day.  We can all imagine what that would look like, because it corresponds to our own experience and we can visualise it. We now locate the moment – a dark wood panelled boardroom, a meeting room at the headquarters, a Zoom call, on the factory or shop floor etc.  Again we paint the picture of the scene.  Not just a factory, but which factory, what type of factory, how did it look.  People they know should be introduced into the story where possible.  These actors may be known to them and this adds credibility to the story and the point. 

The bulk of the speaking time is given over to the telling of the background of how we got to this idea.  An excellent outcome is upon hearing all of this background context, the listener is racing ahead of us and drawing their own conclusions on what needs to be done based on the evidence given.  Given the same context, the chances are strong that they have reached the same conclusion we have, looking at the same evidence.

After we tell the story we lower the boom and hit them with our call to action.  This is A- Action we want them to take component.  The big mistake a lot of people make at this point is to just keep adding a series of actions, rather than singling out one central action we want executed.  We cannot distract them or nudge them away from considering one decision only.  Take action or not.  This part of the puzzle is about 5-10 seconds long.  This forces us to be crystal clear on what is the one thing we want them to do.  For example, “So based on the research, I recommend we begin a prototype and test our assumptions”. 

We cannot let that hang there alone.  We need to back it up with one of the goodies that will come with it and we must settle on the most powerful “Result” we will enjoy if they take our advice.  We do not keep adding benefits and dilute the core message.  We go for the blockbuster benefit and that also only takes 5-10 seconds and then we shut up and wait for their response.  We could say, “if the prototype works, we are looking at an immediate 30% lift in revenues just in the first year”.

The EAR formula is a jujitsu move, because we are navigating around their potential objections.  They just cannot disagree with our context.  Our conclusions yes, but not the background to that conclusion.  They also have to hear the whole story first before they jump in with a rebuttal.  This formula provides us with the means to be heard in a genuine and fair manner.  We can keep doing things the hard way or we can use the EAR formula and make business a lot easier for ourselves.




Jan 23, 2023

We all know that first impressions are critical, but what happens if you blow it?  There are a couple of typical ways we can hurt our credibility at the start.  Trying a joke that bombs is a very common credibility and personal and professional brand destroyer.  You think you are funny, when you aren’t.  Or you think the joke is funny, but you are a crowd of one in agreement on that point.  Think back to how many talks you have attended, where the speaker told a joke that made you laugh, rather than cringe?  I doubt there will be many and probably you just observed the joke, laughed and then moved on, rather than analysing why that humour worked.  This means you gained no insight into joke telling, but here you are the amateur comedian trying out your own untested material on this business audience.

What do you do when it bombs?  You can just ignore the groans and move on or you can attempt a recovery. If it is obvious that joke wasn’t funny, you can say, “Too bad - that joke seemed to work much better in rehearsal with my subordinates”, or “that joke clearly indicates my intended career switch to comedy needs a re-evaluation”, or “Oh well, that joke seemed like a good idea at the time”, which will get people laughing, as you make fun of yourself.  The key is to let it die a natural death and not keep referencing it after the initial recovery.  You are hopefully going to provide things in your talk which will grab the audience’s interest and they will forget that as a comedian you are pretty ordinary.

Once upon a time, I was the MC for an event involving Paul Keating, then Australian Prime Minister.  He was in the green room upstairs in the Hotel and the plan was as he entered the event hall, I would say in a deep baritone announcer voice, “please join me in welcoming the Prime Minister of Australia Paul Keating”.  Pretty simple really except the logistics had a few flaws as we discovered.  The timing had to be as he entered, I would start the welcome.  He would come from the elevator and enter the room and this would require a signal to me on the dais, that he was about to enter the room.  It was a relay system. One of the Japanese team was posted near the elevator to signal another colleague near the doorway, who would then signal me to get started.

The problem is that Prime Ministers travel with a large body officials and press entourage and the Japanese colleague near the elevator saw a bunch of Aussies coming out of the elevator and set off the smoke signal.  I enthusiastically launched into my introduction, to rapidly discover no Prime Minister, as it was a false flag.  It was pretty embarrassing and lonely up there on the dais.  Somehow, I managed to eek out, “thank you everyone for the rehearsal, the Prime Minister will be here shortly” and covered the error with some humour. Unfortunately, my colleagues managed to send another false signal and the second time I had no witty comeback, just deep embarrassment.  Third time lucky we got it right.  My point is you can sometimes cover a mishap with some humour.  I certainly wasn’t expecting that slip up and had not prepared for it, but after that event experience I vowed I would be ready if ever there was a next time.

Another common opening problem is the tech.  Everything was working like a charm when you got there early and checked the equipment, but of course as soon as you start, the slides won’t come up or the computer stops working.  An audience doesn’t like it when they have to sit there and watch you trying to reboot the computer or do some deep diagnostic dive to get things working properly.  They feel their valuable time is being fritted away by you. Often audience members will shout out useful advice on what you need to be doing which makes it even worse, because you look even more incompetent.  What do you do?

There are a couple of choices.  If you have someone handy who can work on it to fix the issues in the background then certainly get them involved and you get straight into your talk, sans tech for a little while.  This presumes you are prepared enough to give the talk without any slides and we should all be ready to give our talks without any visuals.  This is a vital part of the planning stage and shouldn’t be overlooked, because according to Murphy’s Law, if something can go wrong it will and we need to be ready.  Once the colleague or staff have resurrected the slide deck, you can just pick it up from there.  Don’t go back and start again – you have already started, so keep moving forward.

The other alternative is to give up on slides altogether and use storytelling or word pictures to draw out the detail you want to communicate.  You should be using both devices anyway, but you may need to ramp these up more than usual.  When I was training to become a Dale Carnegie instructor my senior instructor played a trick on me, seconds before we were due to start the first tandem class together.  He suddenly announced the slide deck wasn’t working and we would have to run the class without any visuals to test my reaction.  I was well prepared and had given a lot of talks without slides, so I said “no problem”, I was ready to go anyway, which wasn’t what he was expecting.  The point is, we should always be ready to go without slides every time.

Planning for a disaster is 99% of the solution.  Our usual problem is we are taken by surprise and have no back up alternatives.  There are only a limited number of things which will rob us of our acing the first impression, so let’s work up a Plan B for those occasions.  They will certainly happen and usually at the worst possible time, so let’s be ready for them.



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